Weather Alerts
Tropical Weather Outlook

Climatology (1991-2020)

Climatology Information for a few stations across Belize Past Data (1981-2010)

Corozal District

Libertad | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Annual Years
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 60.3 35.4 28.6 44.8 102.3 200.2 130.9 152.4 188.4 203.1 113.9 70.1 110.9 29
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 7 4 3 3 7 12 10 13 13 12 9 8 8 29

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Libertad Station in Corozal. Latitude 18° 17' N, Longitude 088° 28' W with an elevation of 12 meters.

Orange Walk District

Belize Sugar Industry (BSI Tower Hill) | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 23.6 24.4 25.4 27.1 28.2 28.6 28.0 28.4 28.4 27.2 25.4 24.2 26.6 26
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 29.5 30.6 31.9 33.5 33.9 33.4 32.9 33.5 33.5 32.2 30.6 29.8 32.1 26
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 17.8 18.1 18.8 20.8 22.4 23.7 23.1 23.2 23.3 22.1 20.2 18.7 21.0 26
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 65.1 34.6 25.0 40.9 123.3 197.3 141.9 184.8 176.4 205.2 124.0 75.2 116.1 29
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 8 4 3 3 6 12 12 12 13 13 10 9 9 29

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Belize Sugar Industry located at Tower Hill 2 Miles from Orange Walk Town. Latitude 18° 02' N, Longitude 088° 34' W elevation of 13 meters

Belize District

Phillip Goldson International Airport | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 24.3 25.2 26.1 27.7 28.5 28.7 28.4 28.5 28.3 27.2 25.6 24.7 26.9 30
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 27.9 28.8 29.8 31.2 31.9 31.7 31.5 31.8 31.8 30.6 29.2 28.3 30.4 30
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 20.6 21.5 22.4 24.2 25.2 25.7 25.3 25.3 24.9 23.9 22.0 21.2 23.5 30
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 141.4 64.7 41.0 58.0 131.8 236.4 180.2 195.0 229.8 305.5 235.8 150.9 164.2 30
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 10 6 4 4 7 12 14 14 16 16 13 12 11 30

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the National Meteorological Service located at Philip S.W. Golson International Airport in ladyville, Belize District. Latitude 17° 32 N, Longitude 088° 18 W elevation of 5 meters

Cayo District

Belmopan (BAHA) | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 23.7 24.4 25.5 27.6 28.6 28.3 27.7 27.9 27.9 26.8 25.1 24.2 26.5 25
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 28.2 29.7 31.2 33.5 34.1 32.7 32.2 32.6 32.5 31.2 29.4 28.6 31.3 25
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 19.1 19.2 19.8 21.7 23.1 23.8 23.3 23.2 23.2 22.5 20.7 19.8 21.6 25
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 135.2 51.3 48.5 41.4 119.3 259.9 245.3 226.1 221.8 244.2 201.9 134.9 160.8 29
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 11 6 5 3 7 14 16 14 15 14 13 13 11 29

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Belize Agriculture Health Authority (BAHA) located 1 Mile from the Capital of Belize, Belmopan City in the Cayo District . Latitude 17° 15' N, Longitude 088° 46' W elevation of 90 meters

Central Farm | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 23.6 24.4 25.5 27.4 28.4 28.3 27.6 27.9 27.9 27.0 25.2 24.0 26.4 29
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 28.4 30.0 31.8 33.9 34.5 33.1 32.5 32.9 32.9 31.6 29.7 28.7 31.7 29
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 18.7 18.8 19.2 20.8 22.4 23.4 22.8 23.0 22.9 22.3 20.7 19.3 21.2 29
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 119.0 51.5 37.3 35.2 94.4 177.0 193.9 156.8 170.9 209.3 185.9 126.3 130.1 30
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 10 5 4 3 7 12 14 12 13 14 12 12 10 30

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Belize Agriculture Health Authority (BAHA) located 1 Mile from the Capital of Belize, Belmopan City in the Cayo District . Latitude 17° 15' N, Longitude 088° 46' W elevation of 90 meters

Stann Creek District

Savannah Forest Station | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 24.5 25.3 26.3 27.9 28.9 28.6 28.3 28.4 28.3 27.4 25.8 24.9 27.1 22
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 28.8 29.8 31.0 32.5 33.1 32.6 32.1 32.4 32.4 31.5 30.0 29.2 31.1 22
AVG MIN TMP Daily(°C) 20.3 20.8 21.6 23.2 24.6 24.7 24.5 24.4 24.2 23.4 21.7 20.7 22.8 22
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 127.7 74.1 61.0 48.6 128.2 301.1 275.6 291.0 353.3 327.7 237.0 146.5 197.7 27
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 10 8 6 4 8 14 17 17 18 17 14 13 12 27

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Savannah Forest Station located in the South Stann Creek approximately 30 Miles from Dangriga Town in the Stann Creek District . Latitude 16° 31' N, Longitude 088° 26' W with an elevation of 13 meters.

Melinda Forest Station | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG Daily (°C) 24.1 24.8 25.6 27.0 28.0 28.2 27.8 28.0 28.0 27.1 25.6 24.7 26.6 27
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 28.3 29.2 30.2 31.5 32.3 31.7 31.6 32.1 32.1 31.1 29.6 28.8 30.7 27
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 20.0 20.4 21.0 22.5 23.8 24.5 24.1 24.0 23.8 23.1 21.6 20.7 22.5 27
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 155.1 71.2 60.3 53.5 130.2 251.8 206.5 216.3 257.6 301.1 254.5 153.9 176.0 30
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 11 8 6 5 8 14 16 16 16 16 14 13 12 30

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the Melinda Forest Station  Situated 9 Miles from the Dangriga Town in the Stann Creek District . Latitude 16° 59 N, Longitude 088° 19 W with an elevation of 30. meters.

Toledo District

Punta Gorda | Temperature and Precipitation (1991-2020)

AVG TMP Daily (°C) 23.4 24.7 25.3 26.9 27.5 27.5 27.1 27.3 27.4 26.7 25.1 23.8 26.1 16
AVG MAX TMP Daily (°C) 28.2 29.5 30.6 32.0 32.2 31.9 31.3 32.0 32.3 31.4 29.9 29.1 30.9 16
AVG MIN TMP Daily (°C) 18.6 19.8 20.1 21.9 22.8 23.1 22.9 22.5 22.6 22.1 20.3 18.6 21.3 16
AVG PRECIP Monthly (mm) 170.6 94.7 73.4 82.0 205.1 447.0 709.8 629.7 528.8 361.4 264.8 178.5 314.7 28
NUM Rain Days > 1mm 12 8 6 5 11 18 22 20 18 16 13 12 13 27

Source of the above data: Historical and current records at the 5 Miles Agricultural Station in the Punta Gorda Town Toledo District. Latitude 16° 59 N, Longitude 088° 19 W with an elevation of 30. meters.