Weather Alerts
Tropical Weather Outlook

Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation

The National Meteorological Service is being included through the Belize Electricity Limited (BEL) in a project on Energy Resilience for Climate Adaptation (ERCAP).

Under the ERCAP’s Component 1: Long Term Planning and Capacity Building for Adaptation in the Energy Sector the NMS stands to receive a total of six (6) hydro-meteorological automatic stations and six (6) automatic rain gauges to be placed in the Macal River basin for the monitoring of rainfall and water inputs to the Chalillo dam. Under Component 2: Measures to Enhance Resilience of the Energy Sector, the NMS has submitted for (i) fourteen (14) automatic weather stations, (ii) two (2) field vehicles, (iii) a lightning detection system, (iv) training in radar image interpretation for BEL and NMS employees, (v) calibration of the radar to provide more accurate data and (f) updated software for the manipulation and display of radar data.

See links below for additional information on ERCAP: